Dragon magazine 310
Dragon magazine 310

dragon magazine 310

It also has a stun and single target damage. While it doesn't do as much damage as other sub-classes, its armor down debuff can absolutely demolish team comps in the Arena if followed up by a heavy physical hitter such as barbarians or musketeers.

  • Grand Blademaster: This class's main appeal is its AOE armor down debuff.
  • Absolutely a must if you want to progress past map 14.

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    Its 3rd skill also reduces an enemy'a strength and provides decent amounts of damage as well. What makes the DK unique is its taunt skill takes into account of CON instead of STR, gaining far more armor compared to the DM.

  • Dragon Knight: Has more damage reduction abilities at cost of damage output.
  • Consider balancing between damage reflection or reduction. Ironically, making it tankier actually makes it reflect damage less.

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    With enough dexterity, its damage reflection can be very effective in PVE and PVP. Only warrior class that does not require items to advance.

  • Dragon Marshall: Has the same skill set as Guard.
  • Whereas the Wizard Knight's abilities utilize both Str and Mag.
  • Swordsman: This is the DPS branch which then splits further into 2 more branches at ★★★. The Sword Master focuses on Str based abilities.
  • Guard: This class is your typical tank class, has higher AR than most classes with a stun, taunt and damage reflect.
  • Warriors have two main branches of progression: *Vary* Often used as the lowest HP of the group. Stats are listed as -Low/Good/Amazing+ at 5*60 and #1 for primary stat, #2 for secondary stat etc. Note: this portrait is required to unlock the Test Chamber Can only be found in S/SS growth.īest For: Dark Knight, Swordtitan. Can only be found in SS growth.īest for: Dragon Marshal, Grand Blade Master, Swordtitan(Low Hp). You might end up with less or more of said stats per attribute but ★ as been generalized toward the most common.īest for: Dark Knight, the Ideal portrait for Swordtitanīest for: Demon Blade, Grand Blade Master, Swordtitan.

    Dragon magazine 310